Friday, December 11, 2015



This is a picture of me and Zanetti. Zanetti is making a portrait of Vittoria. She was so highly looked upon and praised that I had my own portrait drawn by him. Anton Maria Zanetti was a renounced artist and art critic in the 1700s. Of course he didn't miss the opportunity to sketch a portrait of me since I was very well known in that time period. I am wearing a very big, thin cut, dress with small heels, a bustier, some under pants, and a pointy sphere.


This is Vienna Italy. Vienna is where I was born and raised. It is a lovely city with lots of water and buildings. Vienna was found in 1469 and still remains a very populated city. Over 1.8 million people are settled in Vienna. Vienna's main language is German. But I speak Italian because that is where I spent most of my time. Though Vienna is thought of being in Italy it is located in Germany. Vienna is most known for their coffee houses and wine taverns.

I of course was well known for my opera singing. It is how I became popular. Throughout my career I sang various songs from Antony and Cleopatra. These pieces were very extensive and took lots of talent and practice to sing. I travelled all around Europe singing with many different artists. Antony and Cleopatra was a Shakespeare play that was turned into a 3 act Opera by Samuel Barber. The composer of the music, however, was Johann Adolf Hasse. This music was very popular at the time. I was able to sing lots of songs and duets with very talented people using Johann's music.


This is a piece of music that the orchestra had to play for me. I am not quite sure the song it is, but it shows many different instruments parts. As you can tell the notes go up and down at different tempos. As hard as it was to sing this music it might have been harder to play it. I am so thankful there were so many good musicians around then.


This link is for another example of a song I would sing. Unfortunately its not me singing the song because we didn't have that technology back then, but oh well. Again it is from Marc'Antonio E. Cleopatra. Most operatic songs can be done as duets because an opera is a telling of a story through song. Its the most difficult type of singing, but it makes a beautiful sound. I was paid pretty well which is why I was able to retire, settle down, be wealthy, and teach others about music. Most of Johann's music is faster than normal opera and very intense.


This is an example of some music I had to read. As you can tell it is quite extensive, but the main shocker is that it is written in Italian. Italian music is very beautiful, but very complex and different. The range of the notes stays quite steady, as you can tell by that image, but as you look up more music it gets harder and harder. As you can tell this piece is also composed by Johan Adolf Hasse. He was an amazingly talented man and wrote beautiful music. Being an opera singer defiantly wasn't the easiest job especially since I traveled all around Europe for 20 years. In the end I believe it was worth it all.


Again another example of a piece of music I would sang. Again it is from Marc'Antonio e Cleopatra. Opera and Shakespeare worked hand in hand together, especially around this time period. Marc'Antonio e Cleopatra was a a silent film adaptation of William Shakespeare's plays. This music has been around for generations and generations and all artist forms came together to create a beautiful display of uniqueness. Not everyone did the same thing or had the same job in this time period. People were actually much different.


This is a picture of Madrid Spain. I performed here throughout my tours. It was such, and is, such an amazing place. Very beautiful and unique. It sets itself apart from any other place. The streets busy and the building tall but very light, happy colors. Madrid is actually the capitol of Spain. It also is the third largest city in the European Union.


Here you see a drawing of me. This picture is one that people recognize me from. I believe Anton Zanetti drew this picture of me. It is quite a simple drawing, but I, and many others, like its simplicity. You can tell in, really all of my pictures, that I look like a suffistocated woman with hair done nicely, big bouncy dress, and nice pointed shoes. I liked to wear lots of head pieces to symbolize that I was paid well and I also carried a fan.


As I was looking up songs that I had sung in the past I came upon this young lady singing a song I had once sang. It is called vorrei spiegar by vaccai. It is a very beautiful piece, but done of my most challenging pieces. It took lots of practice and skill. There were different scales of notes and tempos. Nicola Vaccai was one of my most looked upon composers and I loved singing his music. He lived in Tolentino, Italy and I got to work with him. My whole career had been a huge success.


"Top 10 Things to Do in Madrid Spain." Http:// Pure Traveler, 14 Feb. 2013. Web. 7 Dec. 2015. <>.

Voice, Cleopatras. "Being Cleopatra." Blogspot, 22 June 2011. Web. 7 Dec. 2015. <>.

Ethnersson, Johanna. "Music as Mimetic Representation and Performative Act." Https:// Stm Online, 2008. Web. 6 Dec. 2015. <>.

Wells, Calvin. "Sex Crime and Punishment." Http:// Ensemble Serse, 2015. Web. 6 Dec. 2015. <>.

"Vienna." Https:// AK Foundation, 2013. Web. 10 Dec. 2015. <>.

"Willy Or Won't He?" Https:// Blogspot, 8 Feb. 2014. Web. 4 Dec. 2015. <>.

Shimabukuro, Jake. "Ukulele Weeps by Jake Shimabukuro." Online video clip. YouTube. YouTube, 22 Apr. 2006. Web. 9 Sept. 2010.

Prins, Annelies. "vorrei spiegar.Vaccai." Online video clip. YouTube. YouTube, 22 Jun. 2010. <>. 9 Dec. 2015

Sangro di, Raimondo. "Johann Adolf Hasse - Marc'Antonio e Cleopatra 1_2." Online video clip. YouTube. Youtube, 4 Jul. 2015. <>. 9 Dec. 2015

Anthony223. "Alessandro Scarlatti - Marc'Antonio E Cleopatra." Online video clip. YouTube. Youtube, 5 Nov. 2011. <>. 7 Dec. 2015

Vinnik, Suzanne. "Give Me Some Music from Samuel Barber's Antony and Cleopatra." Online video clip. YouTube. YouTube, 20 Nov. 2011. <>. 7 Dec. 2015